Support Us
Are you looking for a meaningful way to make a difference in your community? Consider volunteering with Believe in Bristol, helping us promote and preserve downtown Bristol's historic district. Join us in supporting local businesses, attracting visitors, and creating a vibrant downtown community. If you are unable to volunteer, please consider making a donation to support our efforts in revitalizing downtown Bristol. Your donation will go a long way in helping us achieve our mission.

Believe in Bristol would like to say a special thank you to
Our Corporate Sponsors

Our Individual Supporters
Anne & Ben Cowan
Robin & Margaret Feierabend
John & Brenda Fincher
Audrey Zaidi
Dan & Nell Bieger
Thelma Blair
Eric & Christina Blevins
Bristol Bagel & Bakery
Delta Blues
LeAnn Edwards
Frizzell Foundation
Wilma & Gene Gill
Shannon & Julie Glover
Jeff & Terri Gregory
Marjorie & Roy Griffith
Van & Sarah Guthrie
Ed & Tina Hitt
Tracy & Richard King
Ruth King
Wyatt Lilly
Jeffrey & Jennifer McQueary
Natural Health Solutions Center
Rene Rodgers
Mitch Skaggs
Tom & Barbara Smith
Southern Craft
Stateline Bar & Grille
Katy & Pete Stigers
Brad Stophel
A. F. VanNostrand, Sr.
Vivian’s Table
Jerry Allen Wolfe
Brenda and John F.
"Downtown Bristol would not be as vibrant as it is if not for the hard work of Believe in Bristol!!"
Karen H.
"Believe in Bristol does phenomenal work! I would put their efforts and creativity up against larger cities with larger staff and more funding!"
Laura S.
"Believe in Bristol has made Bristol feel like home for us! Music, a welcoming downtown and fun!!"

Volunteer Application
Please complete the form to apply for a volunteer position with us.