Two states. One state of mind.
Historic Downtown Bristol TN/VA
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Small Area Plan (SmArP) Grant
Awarded to Believe in Bristol, Inc. in 2024
The Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development’s Virginia Main Street (VMS) program has awarded Believe in Bristol, Inc. a SmArP (Small Area Plan) grant for our downtown/commercial district. The SmArP grant was made available to communities with applications that comply with the following general criteria:
Promote a community’s unique identity-defining assets—both built and cultural;
Promote inclusive collaboration and engagement with a vast and diverse set of local partners, leaders, stakeholders, and residents;
Promote local entrepreneurs, small businesses, women- and/or minority-owned businesses, entrepreneurial ecosystems, and small-scale development;
Promote equal access to opportunity and thoughtfully acknowledge and address diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) challenges and opportunities; and
Promote the awareness, growth and financial sustainability of the local Main Street organization. ​
Believe in Bristol is partnering with the City of Bristol, Virginia to engage in a small area plan bounded generally by MLK Jr Blvd to the east, Beaver Creek to the north, Piedmont Avenue to the west, and State Street to the south.